I know that you’re itching to get going with your investing and wealth-building, and I keep putting the brakes on. But it will serve you well to put a little bit of forethought into the whole exercise, and in my world, we call that financial planning…
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This podcast is brought to you with the help of Seven Investment Management, who specialise in multi-asset investing, something I talk about a lot, and which I think should form the core of most people’s investments. 7IM have been helping me out here on MeaningfulMoney for ages, and I'm very grateful.
You can see what they’re up to at 7im.co.uk
New Accumulators – Invest in planning
Financial planning in its richest sense was a revelation for me back in 2006. That’s when I sat a proper financial planning qualification and a lightbulb went on in my head. It’s now entirely what I do at Jacksons Wealth.
For the layperson though, it can be hard to get one’s head around all the different threads that affect our finances at any given time. Fortunately, at the New Accumulator stage of the journey, you planning needs are fairly straightforward, and today we’re going to cover what you need to know and what you need to do to have some parameters for your wealth-building.
Resources mentioned in this episode
Video: Risk Flex video
Podcast episode: How To Choose A Multi-Asset Fund
Course: Learn How To Invest– Don't forget the discount code of PODCAST25 when you sign up
Website: Meaningful Academy
Book: The MeaningfulMoney Handbook
Investment Platform: 7IM Self-Invest
And for a transcript of today's show, click the big blue button below!
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