In this video, I address what is meant by retirement. It might be different to what you think… Location: St
MM No. 7: Harness the power of Compound Interest
Pete explains the power of compounding adn the benefit of using both capital and income to power your money forward. There are a few figures used in this video, which come up on the screen, but are also summaruised in the PDF below;
MM No. 8 – Assumptions
All planning is just educated guessing! But better that than no planning at all. In order to plan as well as possible, you need to start with some sensible assumptions for things like investment growth and inflation. In this short video, Pete covers off the three main assumptions he uses.
Episode 5 – Spend less than you earn
Here, I introduce the second pillar of financial planning – spending less than you earn. Simple really. Ahem. Location: Can’t
MM No. 6 – A £ / lbs Challenge
After looking back at the last video, Pete was terrified at the size of his stomach. So here’s an experiment
Episode 4 – Begin with the end in mind, Part 2
In this video, I continue asking questions which will help you decide what is most important to you in the
Episode 3 – Begin with the end in mind, Part 1
There’s no point in planning anything, unless you know what things are going to look like when you get there.
Introduction to Meaningful Money TV
Here’s an introduction to why I set up this site.