Today I listened to the always-excellent Smart Passive Income podcast. In this particular episode, Pat Flynn interviewed Joseph Michael, creator
Financial Ignorance and mortgage overpayment
I recently watched the show Britain’s Spending Secrets, in which the always-good-value Ann Robinson probed into the differing financial habits
Where the magic happens ;-)
Hi all! Thought that some of you may want to have a look at my podcasting setup, which is where
Learn How To Invest – a new FREE email course
I have just finished putting together a new email course for those looking to get started with their investing. It
Celebrating Five Years
I can’t quite believe I missed this, but yesterday, 23rd July marked five years from when I first put this
Get rid of this one thing in your financial paperwork
I quite often have to do some filing for my clients, and very often I come across a tell-tale sign
GoHenry – a fantastic service for parents and children to learn about money
I’ve recently discovered GoHenry, a service which aims to help both parents and children talk and learn about money in
Happy New Year from MeaningfulMoney
Yes indeed! HNY to you all; I hope that 2015 brings you health, happiness and prosperity. I’ve had a great few
Protecting your finances online
The amount of money lost each year to online scams is immense. Estimates differ as to exactly how much, but