Yes indeed! HNY to you all; I hope that 2015 brings you health, happiness and prosperity. I've had a great few days off with my family, and have hardly touched my computer, which is why I'm wishing you Happy New Year on the 3rd January!
The podcast will reach its 100th session on 11th March, which will be here before we know it. I will also have passed my 40th birthday by that time. While I will miss my weight target by then by some margin (short of a serious bout of amoebic dysentery), I am still losing weight and will keep going till I hit my target of 14 stone.
The show continues to go from strength to strength, now clocking up 4000 downloads per week pretty consistently. There are lots more interviews to come, and I'll be covering even more of the practical subjects you have asked about. If you have a question that you'd like me to answer, why not get in touch and leave me a voicemail here. Podcasting is very much in the news thanks to the record-breaking Serial, of which I listened to all twelve episodes during the Christmas break while walking the dog and cross-training. I've set some very specific goals for my show in 2015, and I'm excited to see how it develops.
I've very nearly finished my new eBook, 3 Steps To Financial Freedom, where I distil the secret to financial success into three key steps which you need to take consistently throughout life. I'll email it out to everyone on the list when it becomes available (yes, it's free), so if you are not signed up to my email list, you should do that by clicking here.
One of the key pains that I know you guys battle with (and so do I) is setting and sticking to a monthly budget. To that end, I have set myself a goal to launch by Easter. I'm excited by this but daunted by the challenge of building an online course too. I know it will be helpful to lots of people, and that's what is pushing me to get it done.
Yes, I have some great things planned for 2015, so do watch this space. Thanks for coming along with me so far; I look forward to chatting to many of you this year.
Pete Matthew
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