Investing is DIFFERENT in Retirement
I did a video last week covering the simplest way to invest. I’ll link to that in the resources because quite a bit of that is also relevant in retirement. I’m going to assume though, that if you’re nearing retirement, you probably know a lot of that stuff already.
Today I’m going to cover off platforms, accounts and funds, and I’m going to do that fairly quickly so that we can spend more time on the retirement-specific stuff, which is Spending and a mechanism I call the Cashflow Ladder.
You might like to know that I’ve written down everything I’m going over today in a free PDF Retirement Planning: Investing cheatsheet.
Video: Investment Masterclass
Video: Fund Types
Website: MoneyHelper Annuity Comparison
Website: Standard Life Risk profiler (Free)
Website: Finametrica risk profiler (£30, but good)