Simplify Your Budget
Making budgeting simple is about doing it right once, keeping the number of categories to track to a minimum and then staying on top of it.
The two-account system easily does most of the heavy lifting for you. Setting sinking funds to pay for the less regular bills and then reviewing things annually means that you really won’t have too much time taken up with this.
The power of budgeting isn’t just in getting by, but in allowing you to move forward, building wealth, even if only a little bit at a time.
Everything you need to KNOW
- Income and Expenses are EVERYTHING!
- Budgeting should not be onerous
- A budget is forward-looking
Everything you need to DO
- Use the two-account system
- Think ahead
- Review costs annually
- Adopt a percentage-based approach
- Try to get one or more months ahead
- Use the technology available