As we approach what I’ll sensitively call later life, our minds turn to two main things, in my experience working with financial planning clients: What if I need care, and how can I best leave what I have left to my family? In this episode I cover the main things to know and do to finish well financially.
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Later Life
When life slows right down, and medical issues become more of a factor as we get older, we start to think about the cost of care and also how best to organise things for when we’re gone. These things become more important than changing the car or upgrading the TV – there’s a contentment that seems to descend in later life where it’s less about us and more about the family, at least once our medical needs are taken care of.
When it comes to our legacy, the mechanics are very straightforward for most of us, the challenging part is working out what we would like to happen, and when.
MeaningfulMoney Book
As a quick aside, if you want to help me spread the word about the MeaningfulMoney book when it arrives early next year, I can keep you informed if you click this link and add your name and email address to the form there – thanks so much!
Resources mentioned in this episode
Website: AgeUK Care Fees explained
Website: Society of Later Life Advisers
Podcast: Wills & Powers of Attorney
Podcast: Equity Release Explained
Video: Business Property Relief explained
Email address for sending your questions:
And, just click the mahoosive blue box below for this week's transcript:
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