Here we are at session number 60 , and I’m going to be talking with a Twitter buddy of mine who, it turns out, is a bit of a kindred spirit.
So, let me introduce you to Damien Fahy, creator of the Money To The Masses blog, and author of the 30 Day Money Plan, subtitled Take Control of your Finances In 5 Minutes A Day. Damien will give you his story in just a sec, but there are startling similarities to his story and mine. He started his blog in 2010, as did I. His motivation was to get decent financial information out the world in a way which was both understandable and actionable.
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After the main body I’m going to look at the most recent reviews that have been left by listeners, and announce the next session topic. If this show is of any use to you, it would help me massively if you would take the time to leave me a review on iTunes. This has a huge impact on keeping me near the top of the rankings, which in turns helps more people to find the show and to subscribe. I’ll remind you again at the end of the show, but if you want to do it right now, just click the button below:
But first…
Sponsor Message
This podcast is brought to you with the help of Seven Investment Management, a firm of investment managers based in London. They put their name to my show and to my site and videos because they believe in what I’m doing, and I’m very grateful for their support. You can see what they’re up to at
So, let me introduce you to Damien Fahy, creator of the Money To The Masses blog, and author of the 30 Day Money Plan, subtitled Take Control of your Finances In 5 Minutes A Day. Damien will give you his story in just a sec, but there are startling similarities to his story and mine. He stared his blog in 2010, as did I. His motivation was to get decent financial information out the world in a way which was both understandable and actionable.
Just a little while into the interview Damien talks about a realisation he came to which inspired him to get going, which was exactly the same realisation I had. We both talk about this revelation in EXACTLY THE SAME WORDS! It’s a bit spooky really.
I hope you enjoy this chat with Damien, where we talk about some of the little things, that can make a big difference. I urge you to check out his blog and his book. I have an announcement about that after the interview – enjoy.
I don't usually transcribe interviews as it would take forever. Hope you don't mind! Here are the questions I asked though:
Can you give us your story so far?
What gave you the idea for the book?
It's clear from the book that people can make significant differences to their financial lives by doing relatively small tasks. Can you give a couple of examples?
What do you think is the biggest barrier to people getting their finances in order?
Are we doomed to be a nation of financial illiterates, or is there hope for the upcoming generations?
Do you think it is possible for people to do their own financial planning?
What sort of questions are you getting from readers of MoneyToTheMasses? Are there recurring themes?
If someone is only now deciding to get their finances in order, what are three things they should do first?
Three (any) things they should avoid doing?
Where can they find out more about you?
Damien's blog is or on Twitter he is @money2themasses
Hope you enjoyed that. It was fairly unstructured, but hopefully none the worse for it. Definitely check out and pick up Damien’s book, not only to support him in the great work he is doing, but there will definitely be something you haven’t thought of.
I have five copies of the book to give away, but they come at a price. As I record this I am perilously close to having 100 written reviews on iTunes, 95 to date. So if you are one of the next five reviews left on iTunes, I’ll send you Damien’s book.
You’ll need to go to and leave the review (click to open in iTunes software, click Ratings and Reviews and then underneath where it says Customer Reviews, click leave a review). Or just click the red button below:
Then email me on with your iTunes username and the time and date you left the review. I’ll get back in touch with you to get your postal details.
My thanks to Damien – good luck mate, and keep up the great work.
This week’s reviews
[This is where I read the reviews!]
If you like what you hear on this podcast, please leave a rating or review on iTunes by going to just like TonicBreaks, Chris Ryder, Missmoneypocket and johnA1799 did this last week. This helps others to hear about the show and to subscribe, because it keeps me near the top of the rankings.
1lb gone this week, now standing at 17st 4.5lbs. Slow progress, but I’m very motivated and if past experience is anything to go by, it will pay off very soon. Thanks to Andy and Will who have donated to my JustGiving page. Talk about motivation – dazandjacs was right when he suggested I do this! If you want to support me on my weight shifting efforts and help a great cause which is the Merlin MS Centre in Cornwall, head over to
Next Session Announcement
Next time we'll be talking about the Three T’s of Intelligent Investing. These three elements are essential to get an investment portfolio off on the right foot, but you’ll have to tune in to find out what they are! If you have a question on this subject, or any other financial query that you want answering here on the show, then the best way to do that is to leave me a voicemail at
That's it for this session of the MM podcast, I hope it was helpful. If I missed anything or if you have any questions, please leave them comments section below.
I hope you enjoyed this session. Thanks for listening – I'll talk to you next time.
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