How investors should respond to the invasion of Ukraine?
Right at the top here I want you to know that any revenue that comes from this video will be donated to Disasters Emergency Committee, to go some way to helping those who really need it at this terrible time.
I’m sure that like me, you’re watching in horror at the scenes coming out of Ukraine as Putin continues his illegal invasion of the country.
It might seem crass right now to talk about the impact of such events on our portfolios while there’s so much human suffering going on. But at times like this my clients here at Jacksons Wealth look to me for reassurance and insight – I am charged with helping them achieve their financial life goals through fair weather and foul, after all. So I want to share some of my thoughts with you in this video, as if you were a client of mine.
Damien Talks Money video:
What war means for your investments – Russian invasion of Ukraine
Pensioncraft video:
Russia Ukraine Conflict – How War Affects The Stock Market